Take Charge of your Health Care - October 21, 2007
Welcome to the October 21, 2007 edition of Take Charge of Your Health Care. Although this is only the second month of publication for Take Charge of Your Health Care Blog Carnival, we received close to 40 submissions. Most of these submissions were well-written, quality blogs that addressed important health care issues. We will publish our next edition on November 20, 2007, but beginning with our New Year’s edition, we will start publishing on a bi-weekly basis.
This month I would like to celebrate Al Gore’s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize. On Friday, October 13, 2007, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to former Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of international scientists dedicated to climate research, for their role in spreading awareness of the danger of man-made climate change and the need to come up with solutions to solve this problem which threatens our environment. Environmental pollution is definitely responsible for birth defects and an increase in cancer rates and autism and climate change will be responsible for even more health concerns. For more about the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize read:
Helene Zemel presents Al Gore - A Man of Vision posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "Al gore has truly been a man of vision in protecting our environment. The danger of climate change will affect the health of present and future generations."
Save Money on Health Care
The main purpose of the Take Charge of Your Health Care carnival is to feature quality blog posts that address various health care issues. Over 47,000,000 Americans do not have any medical insurance. Here are some blog posts that address this issue:
Jimmy Atkinson presents Comparison: Presidential Candidates on Major Healthcare Issues NOEDb posted at NOEDb: Nursing Online Education Database. This is a must read article for people in the United States. The article introduces various healthcare issues and summarizes each of the Presidential candidates views on these important issues.
Staying with the topic of Presidential politics, Ian Welsh presents Questioning the Hillary Health Care Plan posted at The Agonist, saying, "Hillary Clinton's health care proposal isn't universal health care, it's universal insurance -- and that's an important distinction." Nice picture of Hillary too!
Let’s not forget the importance of good dental care for keeping you and your children healthy. Helene Zemel presents Affordable Dental Plans posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "This article discusses the fact that 7 out of 10 Americans do not have a dental plan, and even among those that do have dental insurance, most are underinsured. Discount Dental Plans are mentioned as a means of providing individuals and families with affordable dental care."
Matthew Paulson presents Minute Clinics Open Nation Wide, Provide Additional Healthcare Choices to Consumers. posted at Getting Green. These inexpensive walk in clinics in big box stores are an interesting concept for providing affordable health care to those who might other wise not be able pay for a private physician.
Shaheen Lakhan presents The Inherent Problem with Health Insurance posted at GNIF Brain Blogger. Read this physician blogger’s October 3rd blog post to see how the private insurance sector places an emphasis on their bottom line at the expense of insuring everyone.
Health Chaos presents No Health Insurance posted at Health Chaos. This is an interesting commentary on the control that the insurance industry and big pharmaceutical companies have on our health care.
Anthony presents The Lives and Times... of Anthony McCune: They Call It Customer Service At The Health Plan posted at The Lives and Times... of Anthony McCune. The author recounts the difficulties that he had with an HMO.
Ian Welsh presents Old Folks Is the US Unhealthier than Europeans. A LOT Unhealthier The Agonist posted at The Agonist, saying, "The key to better, affordable health care lies in better government healthcare policy." Good information in both the blog and the comments to the blog.
For a different perspective on saving money on health care: Wenchypoo presents Affordable Health Care on Every Corner posted at Mental Wastebasket. This article emphasizes the importance of good nutrition and prevention for saving money on health care.
For an opinion on President Bush’s veto of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): Madeleine Begun Kane presents SCHIP Haiku posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
Jimmy Atkinson presents Top 100 Health and Wellness Blogs NOEDb posted at NOEDb: Nursing Online Education Database. We can always count on Jimmy Atkinson to provide us with well researched resources.
Alvaro Fernandez presents 10 Highlights from the 2007 Aspen Health Forum posted at SharpBrains, saying, "Check out this overview of the Health and Science trends discussed in this recent policy event."
Phil B. presents Cancer versus Terrorism « Phil for Humanity posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, "About 13% of all deaths worldwide are caused by cancer, however less than 1% of 1% of all deaths are caused by terrorism." Phil questions why so much more money is spent on fighting terrorism than on finding a cure for cancer which causes far more deaths.
Consumer Directed Health Care – Mental Health
Helene Zemel presents Ritalin - The Truth about ADD posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "ADD and ADHD may be a trumped up diagnosis so doctors can write more prescriptions for drugs like Ritalin, Adderall or Concerta enriching the pockets of the big pharmaceutical companies. This article points out some of the dangers involved."
Tiffany Washko presents The Vaccine Issue - My Son’s Story posted at Natural Family Living Blog. Can vaccines contribute to autism and minimal brain damage in children? The author recounts her experience with her son.
TherapyDoc presents Secrets and Therapy posted at Everyone Needs Therapy. Good advice on children and secrets by a doctorate in social work.
Karen Halls presents Types of Alcoholism Treatments posted at Addiction Recovery Blog, saying, "Once you’ve acknowledged that you have a problem with alcohol, it’s time to start finding ways to treat the problem in an ideal and effective manner."
Kilroy_60 presents Things I Think I Learned ...from You Do It Our Way posted at Fear and Loathing - The Gonzo Papers, saying, "Have you had a look at the Gonzo Blog Carnival Series?" This blog presents mental health therapy from the patient or client’s point of view.
Here is some good mental health advice: Robinson Go presents Start Everyday With A Smile posted at The Robinson Go Blog, saying, "Take charge of your health care with this often overlooked AWESOME tip."
Alternative Medicine
Anmol Mehta presents Introducing Ayurveda- Alternative Medicine for Self Healing posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "The workings of this comprehensive science for Self Healing are discussed here." Good explanation and definition of Ayurveda.
Aparna presents Kapalabhati Pranayam posted at Beauty & Personality Grooming, saying, "‘Kapalabhati’ Pranayam breathing exercise is an excellent way of maintaining good health and fighting diseases. ‘A regular practice of Kapalabhati for 10-15 minutes everyday will give you a tight forehead sans wrinkles for many years to come. Why resort to botox injections and other expensive chemical or surgical procedures to get rid of your age lines, when there is such a simple and natural alternative available to you in the form of ‘Kapalabhati’."
Anna presents Essential Oils and Pregnancy posted at Our Family Village, saying, "When I got pregnant, I had this epiphany that I could cure most pregnancy “symptoms” with essential oils and bypass the icky phase entirely."
Petra Ioni presents Omega 3 Reduces Childhood Diabetes Risk posted at Medopdedia. Omega 3 oils have many health benefits, the author gives evidence in its role as a Type 1 diabetes preventative.
Food & Fitness
Paying attention to what you eat and staying fit can keep illness at bay and as a result help reduce health care costs.
MT presents How To Keep Heart Healthy? MT Herald Dot Com posted at MT Herald Dot Com. Good advice on how to keep your heart healthy.
FitBuff presents Lose Belly Flab, Earn Cash: Would you drop 10 pounds for $350? posted at FitBuff.com's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog, saying, "Many people don't realize the best way to save money on health care is to keep yourself healthy! But, you have to be motivated, so what would it take for you to get your butt in gear? How about $350?"
Wenchypoo presents Food for the Grist Mill posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket, saying, "Tells a story of how a wheat-and-gluten-allergic person (me) delved into the fiber realm and came out with an answer." For some additional information on nutrition see: Wenchypoo presents The Return of NNR Food Scores (L-O-N-G) posted at Mental Wastebasket, saying, "Tells how to find the most nutritious foods while shortening the shopping list--a BIG money-saver, let me tell ya! We are bombarded with way too many choices of food--even in the produce aisle. Free trade is costing us in more ways than one."
Wenchypoo presents Book Review: Healthy At 100 posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket, saying, "A d-i-y primer on how to live longer and healthier with minimal doctor interference."
Health Tips and Advice
Here are some more tips and advice for staying healthy and reducing your health care costs.
With the holidays coming up, The Career Counselor has some good advice at: The Healthiest Habits for Office and Seasonal Snacking posted at ask the Career Counselor.
Tristan Loo presents How to Power Nap for Optimal Productivity posted at The Synergy Institute, saying, "In this article, Life Coach Tristan Loo, explains how to use a short 20-minute power nap to maximize personal effectiveness, increase productivity, reduce stress, while promoting good health and vitality." Good advice for us busy folk.
Strabo presents This could save your life. The best wrist mounted blood pressure monitor. posted at Kosher Wisdom, saying, "Discusses how you can monitor your blood pressure with a simple and cheap home device."
Kevin Surbaugh presents Need New Shoes! - Exploring My Options posted at Becoming & Staying Debt Free. Good advice on orthopedic shoes.
Save Money presents How to keep your Skin Clear posted at How I Save Money.net. Great skin care tips.
Holly Ord presents The Male Pill posted at Woman Tribune. News on a non-hormonal male contraceptive pill.
Vanalli presents Testosterone replacement therapy posted at Nick, saying, "Is testosterone replacement for you?”
This post is a bit off topic for our site, but some of you blog writers might be interested. Submit your travel writings to this contest for a chance to win prizes. For more information see: Michael@TSM presents Fall TSM Travel Writing Contest: Win $125! posted at Traveling Stories Magazine.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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