take charge of your health care - March 23, 2008
Welcome to the March 23, 2008 edition of take charge of your health care. As you gather with your family this weekend, may I wish all of my readers a happy and healthy holiday. Spring is the season of renewal and hopefully these health tips will help your family stay fit and healthy and also save money on your healthcare.
We get some excellent, high quality submissions to this carnival. I do accept about 80 to 85% of all submissions. If you submitted more than 2 posts, I have chosen your 2 best or most relevant posts. I have also eliminated any posts that are duplicates from the last edition or that are not relevant to healthcare. Please feel free to resubmit any posts that were not included to the next issue of Take Charge of Your Healthcare Carnival.
health insurance
Helene Zemel presents Affordable Dental Plans posted at Affordable Dental Plans, saying, "Good dental care is so important to your family’s good health and well-being. Who can underestimate the importance of a pleasant and attractive smile and the good health benefits that come with that healthy smile? Yet over 7 out of 10 Americans lack affordable dental plans. Discount Dental Plans can provide an affordable alternative to costly dental insurance and offer benefits not provided by insurance policies."
Wenchypoo presents Universal Health Care Blues: Patient Stacking posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket. Editor’s note: An interesting perspective on some of the problems with universal health care.
Shaheen Lakhan presents Are Insurance Copayments Unethical? posted at GNIF Brain Blogger, saying, “A large-scale study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that patients who are required to pay $10 or more for a mammogram are significantly less likely to have the examination on a biannual basis when compared to individuals whose insurance plans provided complete coverage.”
John Cogan presents State efforts to increase health coverage come with a price--higher income taxes posted at Regulating Health Insurance, saying, "In an effort to increase health insurance coverage, many states have passed laws to increase the maximum age limit for young adults to stay on their parents’ health insurance policies. Whether you are in favor of these coverage mandates or not, there’s one hitch to such laws that isn’t often mentioned: the tax consequences for parents keeping their twentysomething children on the family's employer-based health insurance coverage." Editor’s note: One must weigh this cost versus the probably higher cost of obtaining a separate health insurance policy for the grown child. With the economic downturn, there aren’t a lot of entry level jobs for people fresh out of high school and college which would offer decent benefits.
Raymond presents How To Avoid A Major Cause Of Bankruptcy By Getting Basic Health Insurance Coverage posted at Money Blue Book. Editor’s note: as the author notes, having adequate health insurance can help you avoid bankruptcy provided you can afford health insurance and are not turned down due to pre-existing conditions.
Jose DeJesus MD presents Usual and Customary Charges Artificially Rigged posted at Physician Entrepreneur, saying, “Out of network health insurance claims and claims paid through indemnity based health plans are settled based on a percentage of the “usual and customary” or “reasonable and customary” charges prevailing in the area where the service is performed. Physicians and patients have long felt that these rates were understated, which leaves patients with a much larger share of healthcare costs than they should actually bear.”
save money on health care
Helene Zemel presents Great News! AmeriPlan $25 Business Opportunity Extended to March 31st posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "Great News! Our $25 new business promotion has been extended to March 31, 2008. Now you can start your own business as a benefits consultant for just $25." Editor’s note: If you are interested in a home-based business in the health benefits field, there are just a few days remaining to take advantage of this opportunity.
Alex M presents What Everybody Should Know About Secured Medical Loans Within Employment Benefits posted at eloanex.com. Editor’s note: Some good information here on employee benefits.
Jose DeJesus MD presents Discouraging Frivolous Malpractice Lawsuits posted at Physician Entrepreneur. Editor’s note: Frivolous lawsuits are definitely a factor in increasing the cost of healthcare.
alternative medicine
Rickey Henderson presents Aaaargh, Rickey's Back! posted at Riding with Rickey. Editor’s note: Some good advice on sciatica in the comments on this blog.
David Richeson presents Beginning my Detox from Toxic Mercury Dental Amalgam Fillings posted at 360 Degree Success, saying, "Why dental amalgam fillings are so toxic, and how to safely detoxify your body." Editor’s note: Thanks for bringing attention to the dangers of amalgam fillings. Most people do not realize that the silver amalgam used by dentists contain mercury which is highly toxic.
Lovelyn presents Self Massage: Trigger Point Therapy posted at The Art of Balanced Living. Editor’s note: Some excellent information on performing self massage to relieve discomfort at trigger points.
Amy S Quinn presents The Top 50 Alternative Medicine Blogs posted at Online Nursing Degree Directory. Editor’s note: A comprehensive list of alternative medicine blogs.
Deb Serani presents Understanding Research: Antidepressant Data posted at Dr. Deb, saying, "This post looks at how one needs to consider "research" when making healthcare decisions." Editor’s note: Some good information on anti-depressant medications can be found in this blog post.
Lori Jewett presents Yes Virginia - There is a Perimenopause posted at Between Us Girls, saying, "What you should know about perimenopause that your doctor may not be telling you."
Burton Kent presents Legal Drugs Kill Far More People Than Illegal Drugs! Acupuncture Marketing for Clinics posted at Acupuncture Marketing for Clinics, saying, "Discusses how healing can only come from the body's natural healing processes. Attempting to bypass or repress these processes just makes things worse."
Ellen Landauer presents Stress from Electromagnetic Fields: Natural Solutions posted at Health Freedom Coaching, saying, "Stress from electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution is more significant than most people know. Simple tips can help you feel more happy and relaxed at home, and minimize deleterious effects when you are out and about."
Chris presents Tai Chi Ruler: The Cure For a Sore Lower Back posted at Martial Development, saying, "Learn this simple Tai Chi form to cure and prevent back pain. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels."
consumer driven health care
Jose DeJesus MD presents Doctors Get Bonuses for Raising the Bar posted at Physician Entrepreneur. Editor’s note: Dr. DeJesus discusses how some insurance and health management companies are paying a bonus to physician’s who emphasize preventative care.
Rachel Walden presents
Tips for Savvy Medical Web Surfing? - A Critique posted at Women's Health News, saying, "This post is my critique, as a medical librarian, of CNN's recent "Tips for Savvy Medical Web Surfing" article. Another's commentary on this article is linked in the post."
Eric Cech presents
Essential Oils for Aromatherapy from Synergy Essentials posted at Synergy Essential Oils, Aromatherapy for Professionals and Enthusiasts. Editor’s note: You will find some excellent descriptions and good information on various essential oils on this site.
Pete Quily presents
Top 10 Ways to Manage Adult ADHD posted at Adult ADD Strengths. Editor’s note: Very informative article listing various alternatives for dealing with adult ADD.
Aparna presents
Correcting a gummy smile posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "A gummy smile is one where the gums outsize the teeth, making your teeth appear shorter and the gums more prominent. Or it could be that the gum line is not symmetrical with the teeth. If you have a gummy smile you may feel self-conscious to smile or laugh freely with others. You need not live with it. So if it’s bothering you, ask your dentist about the corrective techniques."
Aparna presents
Sleeping for long hours is not good for health posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "Insomnia is by far the most talked about and discussed sleep disorder. Tons of information is available on this topic and countless remedies are suggested by all and sundry to overcome this problem. Comparatively, excessive sleep and its effects on health rarely get so much attention and this issue hardly finds a place in the conversation of laymen."
Charles H. Green presents
Who(m) Do You Trust? posted at Trust Matters, saying, "Trust in your doctor isn't just a matter of knowing he's skilled, but in knowing he will listen to you, not just dictate to you."
Raymond presents
My Experience With Lasik Eye Surgery - Thoughts About Laser Vision Correction - Is It Worth The Cost and Risks? posted at Money Blue Book. Editor’s note: Very informative post about Lasik eye surgery. This is certainly a viable and safe alternative for people who want freedom from contact lenses or thick eyeglasses.
Silveral presents
Celebrity skin care – secret to perfect skin posted at Celebrity News, and Gossip. Editor’s note: Good information on skin care and celebrity skin care products.
diet & fitness
Sagar presents
20 Simple At Your Desk Exercises For Web Workers posted at Online Nursing Degree Directory. Editor’s note: Some great exercises that can be easily performed right at your desk.
Mike Remer presents Celebrating! My Path To Fitness Blog posted at My Path To Fitness Blog. Editor’s note: This post will help motivate you to start exercising again.
Mike Remer presents
Wish Exercise wasn’t so Hard? My Path To Fitness Blog posted at My Path To Fitness Blog, saying, “When you were a kid, what did you do when you went out to play? Right, you ran around, climbed trees, jumped rope. You were moving and called it ”play.” What physical activities can you add to your life or increase today — or at the very latest tomorrow -and call it play?”
Life. Money. Development. presents
Diet Tips for Preventing High Cholesterol Levels posted at Life. Money. Development., saying, "A neat collection of diet tips for keeping cholesterol in recommended levels."
Alex Blackwell presents
45 Tips for a Happier, Simpler and More Productive Life posted at The Next 45 Years, saying, “Every now and then we need a nudge, a little extra help. Life can be challenging and sometimes it can test our resolve.” determination and faith. When Life surprises us with a pop-quiz, it’s good to know where we can find some of the answers.” Editor’s note: 45 tips to help you stay mentally fit and happy.
Anwar Daniels presents
Eat Healthier. Try Black Eyed Peas. posted at cannedfitness.com, saying, "A great write up on the benefits of black eyed peas and how they can help you with your goals of living a healthier life."
Joshua Seth presents
10 Reasons Why Weight Loss Diets Fail posted at Joshua Seth Blog, saying, ": "Did you know that over 90% of people actually gain weight within 6 months of dieting! Here are the top 10 reasons why...""
James D. Brausch presents
Is Your Keyboard Making You Fat? posted at Weight Loss Dude. Editor’s note: I have to admit that I am guilty of eating at the computer, but actually the no eating at the computer rule can help you stay fit.
James D. Brausch presents
This Week's Supplement: Calcium posted at Weight Loss Dude. Editor’s note: James Brausch reports here on his experience with various supplements and weight loss results.
Kavit Haria presents
Easy weight loss by counting your calories posted at Wellness Junction by Kavit Haria. Editor’s note: Some good advice on using calorie counting as a weight loss method.
Kavit Haria presents
Top five tips to healthy meal planning posted at Wellness Junction by Kavit Haria, saying: “A common reason many people don’t eat healthy is because “they don’t have the time”. By carefully planning your meal in advance, you set yourself up for a healthy week as well as saving time and money when you go shopping. “
Louis presents
Learn To Dance Like The Stars And Lose Weight At The Same Time! posted at "Finally, You Too Can Master Ballroom Dancing Easily From Dancing With The Stars' Louis van Amstel", saying, "Who says losing weight can't be fun?"
The Push Up Coach presents
Pros And Cons Of A Personal Trainer posted at The 1000 Push Ups Club, saying, "1000 Push Up Club will help you stay motivated as you do every push up and help you reach your goal - whether it is 50, 100, or 1,000 push ups."
Neelakantha presents
100 Weird Facts About the Human Body posted at Bootstrapper. Editor’s note: Some very interesting facts about the human body posted here. A good read.
Neelakantha presents
The Webmaster?s Guide to Better Health ? 101 Tips and Resources posted at WHDb. Editor’s note: Well researched list of resources and articles on various health matters.
Anmol Mehta presents
Free Online Yoga Videos Launched posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "Free online yoga videos to help you achieve physical, emotional and mental mastery."
Wenchypoo presents
The "No-Label Diet" One Year Later posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket. Editor’s note: This diet will help reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol. Good low calorie salad dressing recipe in the comments section.
Ellen Landauer presents
Insomnia: Better Sleep Can Be Yours posted at Health Freedom Coaching, saying, "A wealth of sleep-optimizing tips, including the recipe for my special supplement nightcap, diet tips for better sleep, and details on a number of other natural ways to get better sleep."
Randy Powell presents
Cardiovascular Health posted at Eating-Veggies.com: Alkaline Diet blog. Editor’s note: Some very good dietary advice that we can all follow.
Ariah Fine presents
What If We Wiped for Our Great, Great, Great, Great Grandchildren? posted at Trying to Follow. Editor’s note: Sometimes small steps can make a big difference when it comes to conservations. Thoughtful article about conservation.
James Chambers presents Combat Hyperhidrosis with Botox posted at Hyperhidrosis. Editor’s note: Good information on a possible treatment option for excessive sweating.
James Chambers presents
Natural Deodorants Do They Stop Sweating? posted at Hyperhidrosis. Editor’s note: Some good information on natural deodorants that can help if you suffer from hyperhidrosis.
zerg presents
Suffering in Mesothelioma posted at Mesothelioma News Blog, saying, "Some information on how to treat and what actions take when somebody suffers from mesothelioma - how to find best lawyer."
Asbestos presents
Suffering in Mesothelioma posted at Mesothelioma News Blog, saying, "It is possible to live well with mesothelioma."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our
carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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