Take Charge of Your Health Care - January 22, 2008
Welcome to the January 22, 2008 edition of take charge of your health care. First of all, I wish all of my readers a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. I hope that all of you were able to spend some good, quality time with your friends and family. My own family is small, but I feel that I have made so many friends through business, on the internet, and in the blogosphere.
Our blog is becoming more and more popular each month. This month we have received 54 posts. Since I am the sole host for Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival, I would like to request that each author send in no more than 2 posts per carnival. In future issues, I will select your best 2, if you submit more than 2 good content articles. All posts must be on topic, provide good content, and be family friendly to be included. Submissions that consist primarily of a sales landing page will not be included.
Here in the United States we are busy with the primary process which culminates in the selection of which candidate will be the nominee for president at each party’s convention. November 2008, we will be electing a new President of the United States. This new President will have formidable challenges, one of which will be to fix the broken U.S. health care system in which 47,000,000 Americans do not have health insurance and even more are underinsured. With this in mind, I would like to begin this carnival with some posts on health insurance.
This being the New Year, many excellent posts have been submitted on diet and fitness. Hopefully these posts will help you with your New Year’s Resolutions.
health insurance
Helene Zemel presents The Shame of the American Health Care System posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "Over 47,000,000 Americans have no health insurance—more than 15 % of the population. Even more Americans do not have any dental insurance. With the exception of the United States, most developed countries have a National health system which benefits all of its citizens both rich and poor. Although the United States is a first world country, for the more than 47 million uninsured, medical care is third world."
Bill presents What are the Benefits of a Dental Plan? posted at I Need a Dental Plan. There is some good information on choosing a discount dental plan in this post plus some advice on dental hygiene.
Helene Zemel presents
A Little Known Secret - Patient Assistance Programs posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "For over 15 years, more than 200 pharmaceutical companies representing 1,100 brand-name drugs have been providing prescription medications to eligible individuals through Patient Assistance Programs. These programs assist eligible individuals who cannot afford their prescription medications due to limited income or other financial hardships. A major problem is that few people know about the existence of these programs or understand the complicated application and approval process required to participate in a Prescription Assistance Program."
consumer directed health care
Here is your opportunity to get some good recommendations on some common problems by a licensed registered pharmacist:
Carla presents
5 most common pharmacy questions posted at CarlaIn another informative post, Carla presents Got a stuffy nose? Cough and cold medication explained posted at Carla.
Staying on the topic of medications, Dr Martin W. Russell presents
Self Help For Sleeping Pills - The Campaign posted at Dr Martin W. Russell, saying, "Save money on your sleeping medication the best way possible." For those readers with sleep problems, Dr. Russell includes a link for people who want to get a good night's sleep, but who have been worried about the risks of sleeping pills or potions.
There is increasing evidence that computer based cognitive training can help prevent memory loss in the elderly. Alvaro Fernandez presents
Brain Training: No Magic Bullet, Yet Useful Tool. Interview with Elizabeth Zelinski posted at SharpBrains, saying, "Newsweek says that "computer-based brain training has shot up from essentially zero in 2005 to $80 million this year, according to the consulting firm SharpBrains". Here goes an interview with a leading scientist."
Andrew Michaels presents Relearning to See: My Plan to Regain My Waning Eyesight and Hurl My Glasses Off A Cliff posted at Lifecrafting, saying, "One man's quest to repair his vision." Editor’s note: I hope that Mr. Michaels will report back on the benefits that he finds from this vision improvement course. I remember that my childhood optometrist was very big on visual training. I know that some supplements such as lutein, bilberry, eyebright, and carnosine can have a positive effect on vision problems.
Save Money presents
LASIK Eye Surgery - My Experiences - Day 1 posted at How I Save Money.net. Editor’s note: If you are considering Lasik eye surgery, this is a very informative blog to read.
Kate Baggott presents
Labor and Birth from A to Z posted at Babylune, saying, "Everything you should know about labor and delivery with even more fun stuff thrown in." Editor’s note: Excellent blog for anyone expecting a baby.
jonn presents
Mesothelioma Survivor posted at Mesothelioma News Blog, saying, "Psychology on what to do when diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer." Editor’s note: This is very positive advice which will help you advocate if you are a victim of this serious illness. The author recommends a book by a Mesothelioma survivor.
diet & fitness
James D. Brausch presents
New Years Resolutions posted at Weight Loss Dude. This is a good place to start your New Year’s reading.
Alex Blackwell presents
Five Good Reasons to Exercise posted at The Next 45 Years. Editor’s note: Excellent post about the physical and mental benefits of an exercise routine and the importance of “me time.”
Maria Fernandez presents
Weight loss myths demystified posted at Health and beauty - blog, saying, "This post gives you an assessment of long-held myths about dieting, and tips of how to lose weight successfully." Editor’s note: The author gives some excellent and sound diet advice which will help you lost weight sensibly.
andrew784 presents
100 Weight Loss Tips & Tricks posted at Personal Hack, saying, "Simple, quick and easy weight loss tips that cover every aspect of weight loss: Physical Activity Level, Eating Habits, and the right weight loss Mindset." Editor’s note: Another excellent post. These diet and weight loss tips are sure to help you lose weight sensibly.
Lucynda Riley presents
Onions are Medicinal posted at Flower, Field, and Forest. This is an informative blog post about the medicinal and health benefits of onions.
For some good diet tips read the following posts by Lucynda Riley:
Handeling Cravings posted at A Public Diet.
Its not how much were eating its what were eating. posted at A Public Diet.
Dieting during Christmas posted at A Public Diet.
Mike Remer presents
Wish Exercise wasn’t so Hard? My Path To Fitness Blog posted at My Path To Fitness Blog. The author reminds us that: “When you were a kid, what did you do when you went out to play? Right, you ran around, climbed trees, jumped rope. You were moving and called it ”play.” What physical activities can you add to your lifeor increase today — or at the very latest tomorrow -and call it play?”
Roger Haeske presents
This Hang-Up Is Killing You, But You Don't Care posted at Raw Food Diet, Bodyweight Fitness and Peak Performance Living. Editor’s note: Some good advice from our Raw Food Diet expert.
Lucynda Riley presents
Ham Bone Soup posted at A Public Diet. Editor’s note: This recipe sounds hearty, nutritious, and just perfect for the frigid weather we are having in much of the U.S. this week.
Abdulrasool Sumar presents
Gardening & Good Diet Leads to Less Lung Cancer Risk posted at Mesothelioma Cancer, saying, "Cancer scientists at the The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center say that by simply eating 4 or more servings of green salad a week, and doing their gardening once or twice a week, people (both smokers and non-smokers) will be able to substantially reduce their risks of developing lung cancer during their lifetimes. This is a matter of doing physical exercise by gardening, and having good nutrition by eating green salads and other healthy meals."
Samuel Bryson presents
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): posted at Total Wellbeing. Editor’s note: Some good information on exercise physiology is presented in this article.
Alfa Mercado presents
How to add more tofu to your daily diet posted at Wellness Junction by Kavit Haria. Tofu can be a much healthier substitute for meat while supplying protein and calcium to the diet. The author gives some excellent tips for cooking with tofu.
Alfa Mercado presents
How to cut the fat and feel good posted at Wellness Junction by Kavit Haria. Obesity is becoming a global problem, not just an American or British problem. Alfa Mercado gives some good tips for losing weight.
Samuel Bryson presents
Why Diets Don’t Work: posted at Total Wellbeing. This post focuses on the psychology of dieting. The author states that: “Dieting is a flawed concept. It has become associated with short term goals.”
Samuel Bryson presents
Cycling and your wellbeing: posted at Total Wellbeing. Mr. Bryson suggests using cycling as a means of transport saving you money on gasoline, time being stuck in traffic, and also as an actual means of daily exercise.
Carey Yang presents
Peppermint Oil for Curbing Appetite and Losing Weight posted at Carey for Fitness. This post reviews the many benefits of peppermint oil.
Carey Yang presents
Experience the #1 Antioxidant Power to Fortify, Replenish and Rejuvenate Your Body posted at Carey for Fitness. Information about a powerful but good tasting antioxidant drink.
alternative medicine
Candida or Yeast Infection can be a stubborn health problem with uncomfortable symptoms. Michael Winicki submitted several short, excellent posts containing excellent information and treatment advice for treating this condition. If you suffer from yeast infection, you will want to read these posts:
What is Candida? posted at Michael Winicki
Candida Symptoms posted at Michael Winicki
Candida Diet posted at Michael Winicki.
articles_Signs_of_a_Yeast_Infection_during_Pregnancy.html posted at Michael Winicki.
The Real Problem With Candida Yeast posted at Michael Winicki.
Chronic Yeast Infection Cure posted at Michael Winicki.
Andrew Michaels presents
Never Suffer A Headache Again posted at Lifecrafting, saying, "You need never suffer a headache again. Follow the steps in this article and become free of migraines and headaches." The author gives 5 steps which should help prevent headaches.
TherapyDoc presents
Anxiety, Ethics, and Blogging posted at Everyone Needs Therapy. Some thoughts on blogging as well as a book recommendation are presented in this blog post.
Mitch McDonald presents Chemotherapy vsNatural Alternatives posted at FYI About.com. Editor’s note: There is definitely controversy on this topic, but if you suffer from cancer, you should definitely look into alternative therapies as part of your treatment options.
Angela Williams Duea presents
Eskridge & Associates: Try Hypnosis! posted at Eskridge & Associates, saying, "When I was was ready to face my tobacco habit, I found hypnosis helped me kick the addiction." In fitting with our New Years Resolutions edition, the author reports on his success in using hypnosis to cure a tobacco habit.
FitBuff presents How to Be Happy: 10 Mood-Boosting Moves FitBuff.com's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog posted at FitBuff.com's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog, saying, "Sometimes the best way to boost your physical health is to boost your mental health first. You'd be surprised at just how connected the two are. Try it out now with these 10 easy mood-boosting moves..."
Lucynda Riley presents
Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) posted at Flower, Field, and Forest. Information on an herbal remedy for colds and earaches.
James Chambers presents
Hyperhidrosis Causes posted at Hyperhidrosis. Author’s note: Good content on hyperhidrosis, also know as excessive sweating, and what can be done about it.
Joe Lasiter presents
Inside Look - A Bowen Session posted at Natural Pain Relief, saying, "A Bowen session lasts about the same as a typical massage 30-45 minutes. The therapist "rolls" over the muscles with their fingers. This rolling action increases the energy flow and causes the muscles to relax."
Anmol Mehta presents Free Online Yoga Breathing Exercises (Yoga Pranayama) E-Book posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "Collection of powerful yoga breathing exercises to help you lose weight, cure diseases and get fit."
Alfa Mercado presents
5 Ways to Get Rid of a Cold posted at Wellness Junction by Kavit Haria. Some good tips on treating colds.
werelax presents
The Health Benefits of Dancing - Found in Relaxation Activites posted at Where We Relax, saying, "Did you know that something as fun as dancing could have health benefits?"
Jose DeJesus MD presents
Chronic Neck Pain Patients - Danish Study Describes Effective Treatment posted at Physician Entrepreneur. Dr. DeJesus cites an informative study which demonstrates that strength training can be helpful to people with chronic neck pain.
Hueina Su presents
My Young Living Story and Exciting News posted at Intensive Care for the Nurturer's Soul, saying, "Ever since a health scare last summer, I've found the tools to help me regain my physical & emotional health. My husband and I are amazed at the turnaround I've made since last winter. Here's my healing journey and some exciting news to share."
Lovelyn presents
An Introduction to Self Massage posted at The Art of Balanced Living. This post describes how self massage can be an effective therapy for carpal wrist syndrome, sciatic nerve pain, tension headache and stress.
Heidi Whitaker presents
Work from Home Choices: Top Ten Reasons NOT to Choose Getting a Flu Shot posted at Work from Home Choices, saying, "Article focuses on little known negatives to getting a flu shot. Also recommends alternatives."
Pat B. Doyle presents
Feng Shui and Clutter posted at Barton Pond Feng Shui.
SJ Yee presents
The Best of RichGrad.com in 2007 posted at Personal Development for the Book Smart, saying, "21 of the Best Personal Development Articles from RichGrad.com in 2007... Have a blessed 2008!"
Kingsley Tagbo presents How to Overcome Procrastination in 8 Easy Steps: The Fastest Way to Learn Technical Skills or Get a Job posted at HOW TO LEARN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING FAST OR GET A JOB EASILY.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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