Sunday, September 16, 2007

Welcome to Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival

Welcome to Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival. Access to good health care, especially in the United States, has become quite costly in the last 10 to 20 years. With big pharmaceutical companies and health maintenance organizations in charge of our health system, things are not likely to get any better until some changes are made. The purpose of Take Charge of Your Health Care is to blog about the high cost of health and dental care, suggest ways to save money using the present system, focus on consumer directed health care where patients can make choices for their best interest, expose attempts by the big pharmaceutical companies to lower acceptable blood pressure and cholesterol values so they can sell more expensive medications or drug our children for made up mental disorders, and seek alternative medicine solutions to health problems.

The carnival will publish each month so we are looking for article submissions on various healthcare issues such as the high cost of medical and dental care, ways to save money on health care, alternative medicine, consumer directed health care, and current issues in health care.

Our first edition will be published on September 20, 2007, and we will publish around the 20th of each month. If you would like your blog article to be published in the next edition, please submit no later than September 19th. For more details visit:

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