Thursday, November 22, 2007

Take Charge of your Health Care - November 22, 2007

Take Charge of Your Health Care -

November 22, 2007

Welcome to the November 22, 2007 edition of take charge of your health care. Today is Thanksgiving, and I would like to wish all of my friends in the blogosphere an enjoyable day with your family and friends. We are continuing to receive a large number of well written and informative blog posts.

Save Money on Health Care

Adam Zekmueller presents You can NOT be charged or refused your contact prescription! posted at Get Better Glasses!, saying, "Go to your existing optometrist, get that prescription, and order online!"

Adam Zekmueller presents
This is Why Glasses at Brick and Mortar Stores are so Expensive posted at Get Better Glasses!, saying, "Buying eyewear online is a great way to save money on vision expenses. In this article, I discuss why traditional glasses stores are so expensive."

Helene Zemel presents
A Little Known Secret - Patient Assistance Programs posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "With so many uninsured and underinsured people in the United States and the high cost of prescription drugs, you hear stories about people who have to make a decision about whether to pay for their groceries or their prescription medications. Now with prescription advocacy and patient assistance programs, eligible people may be able to qualify for free prescriptions."

Helene Zemel presents
Prescription Advocacy - Frequently Asked Questions about Patient Assistance Programs posted at Health Plans Plus, saying, "Patient assistance programs run by large pharmaceutical companies have been in existence for more than 15 years. A major problem is that few people know about the existence of these programs or understand the complicated application and approval process required to participate in a Prescription Assistance Program." Plans Plus

Jimmy Atkinson presents
5 Little-Known Giant Health Care Issues Facing the United States NOEDb posted at NOEDb: Nursing Online Education Database.
Alanna presents
Health Coverage: Finding the Right Fit BBB Consumer Education posted at BBB Consumer Education. Alanna presents some things that you should look into before purchasing a health insurance plan.

Alternative Medicine

Todd Goldfarb presents
Advantages of holistic doctors and alternative techniques over Western medicine posted at We The Change, saying, "hi there-- really interesting piece here comparing western MDs to holistic doctors...enjoy!" This is a well written and informative post comparing Western medicine with holistic medicine in which Todd Goldfarb states: “Where Western medicine is primarily focused on treating symptoms, alternative practices look at the whole body.”

Anmol Mehta presents
5 Healthy Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda posted at Mastery of Meditation, Enlightenment & Kundalini Yoga, saying, "5 great weight loss tips from the ancient science of self healing - Ayurveda." Five weight loss tips from an Ayurvedic perspective. Ayurveda is an effective system of natural medicine practiced in India.

Lucynda Riley presents
MJB 2 posted at Quietly Into the Night. This post describes and innovative way to cure a yeast infection.
Wenchypoo presents
I've just come back from the fastest dental appointment I ever had... posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket, saying, "Re; saving money on DENTAL care." This post reports on the author’s experience in good diet and supplementation as a preventative measure for tooth and gum disease.

Healthcare Issues

Jimmy Atkinson presents
How to Research a Doctor's Credentials Medical Tourism Guide posted at Medical Tourism Guide. Another important post by Jimmy Atkinson. As a recent case on Long Island in which Hepatitis C was spread because of a physician’s lax sterility techniques, this information could save your life.

Tiffany Washko presents
Action Alert: Vaccinate Your Kids or Else! posted at Natural Family Living Blog. This post discusses the vaccine controversy in which the state of Maryland threatened to arrest parents who failed to vaccinate their children. There is some controversy that mercury based thimerosol, which had been used as a preservative in vaccines some years ago, has caused brain damage and autism in young children.

Ron King presents Online Community Announces Launch as Independent, Alternative Voice for Americans 50+ posted at will provide them with resources and innovative solutions about health care, finances, lifestyles, legal issues, life stages, family relations and more.

Sharon Lee presents
Huge Rise in Asian Diabetes Rates posted at Asian Diabetes Association. This post reports on the rise in the number of diabetes cases in Asian countries.

Aahz presents
Applied Anarchy - Free Market Health Care : Philaahzophy posted at Philaahzophy. More along the lines of the Consumer Directed Healthcare Movement, Aahz states how removing the government from the health care system lowers costs and increases benefits to the consumer. Government spending has led only to worse care and higher costs, just as government interference in any industry does.

Aparna presents
Beware of dust mites on your pillows posted at Beauty and Personality Grooming, saying, "Dust that gets accumulated in our houses is a host to millions of germs and microorganisms. Dusting and cleaning the house in itself is a cumbersome task, what with dust settling on sofas and beds, carpets, curtains and clothes. We all bother so much about insects, mosquitoes, houseflies and do our best to get rid of them. But we often forget about the tiny, almost invisible creatures called dust mites, which are present and booming in millions in the cozy comforts of our homes."

Health Chaos presents
Be Your Own Advocate posted at Health Chaos. This post presents important information for the consumer of prescription drugs and warns the public of mistakes that are made in the hurry to dispense medications.

Holly Ord presents
America: The Country That Kills It’s Citizens posted at Menstrual Poetry. Holly states the following: “There are 50 million people in the United States today that do not currently have health insurance, and the biggest reason for that is because it costs too much. There are also thousands of people dying all over this nation because of illnesses that could have been prevented and treated, but weren’t because of health insurance and again, because of it’s cost.”

Dr Martin W. Russell presents
Why Help Yourself? posted at Dr Martin W. Russell. Dr. Russell discusses the huge cost of healthcare and predicts a future healthcare meltdown and urges self help and self reliance.

Diet, Fitness and Exercise

Lucynda Riley presents
Hold me Accountable posted at A Public Diet. Thanks for sharing your diet progress. This will be an inspiration to many. Thanks for the tip that marshmallows are only 10 calories apieceJ

James D. Brausch presents
The Problem With Exercise posted at Weight Loss Dude. James Brausch states: “Instead of taking time out of your life to go to the gym and “exercise”, why not actually live life and actually do the real activities that exercising is meant to simulate?”

Wenchypoo presents
Meet “Epi”—the Ghost in Your Genes posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket. This is good advice on preventative medicine.

Wenchypoo presents
An Investment in Life and the Family Orchard posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket. For a different perspective on the meaning of the holidays, check out this blog.

Alternative Medicine

FitBuff presents
7 Easy Breakfast Recipes: Healthy Breakfast in Less Than 5 Minutes posted at's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog, saying, "You probably already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But, the RIGHT breakfast is needed to get you started right and keep you energized and productive all day long. Here are 7 healthy and easy recipes you can whip up in less time than it takes you to find your keys."

FitBuff presents
Bill Maher Quotes on Health and Fitness posted at's Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog, saying, "You may never see Bill Maher on the cover of Men's Health, but love him or hate him, he makes some absolutely brilliant points about a number of health issues in this sound off. From health care to medicine and diseases, it's nice to hear someone tell it like it is!"

Davex presents
Acne Acupuncture Is An Effective Natural Treatment posted at Mr. Clear's Acne Blog. This post gives both information on herbal treatments and acupuncture for acne treatment.

pnreddy presents
Alternative Cancer Medicine - An Effective Remedy For Your Cancer Symptoms posted at Alternative Medicine Zone. Different forms or alternative medicine are discussed in this informative blog.

Trevor K. Neuman presents
Why Doctors Don’t Know? posted at Diabetes Research & Diabetic Diet Plans. This article stresses the importance of seeking natural cures for diseases such as high cholesterol of diabetes to avoid some of the serious side effects caused by many prescription drugs.

I hope that you enjoyed reading these informative blog posts. I know that I did. Stay healthy for the holiday shopping season and come back for our special holiday edition on December 22nd.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of take charge of your health care using our
carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
take charge of your health care, blog carnival.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An interesting round-up of informative articles. Hope to be a part of this in the future.We would be glad to share with you any information related to medical tourism.